Does Contact Lens Cause Dry Eye?

Contact lenses stand out as an alternative choice for patients who are not suitable for laser surgery or who do not want to have laser surgery but do not want to wear glasses at the same time. Contact lenses, which are preferred in common refractive errors, can be considered as an alternative and are frequently used, but contact lenses do not have some disadvantages that leave a question mark in mind. The most curious part of this issue is whether contact lenses will cause dry eye. Let’s take our assessment on this issue and evaluate whether contact lenses can be effective in the development of the disease.

The Relationship Between Contact Lens and Dry Eye

One of the main causes of dry eye syndrome is insufficient tears or insufficient tear quality. This is where the use of contact lenses can have a direct impact and become a trigger for the development of dry eye.

Let’s list below some of the disorders that contact lens wear can trigger. All of the reasons listed below can be a direct factor in the development of dry eye.

Kontakt Lens Kuru Göze Neden Olur mu 

Mechanically Developed Deformation: Contact lenses are generally produced from materials that are suitable for the eye structure. However, even though it is a compatible material, staying on the cornea for a long time can cause irritation on the eye surface.

Tear Film Disorders: Having a lens that you constantly use on the surface of the eye can prevent the tears from being distributed correctly on the surface of the eye. This is one of the factors that have a direct effect on the development of dry eye.

In short, continuous use of contact lenses can contribute to the development of dry eye for various reasons. Patients should pay attention to the hygiene of their lenses and change their lenses regularly. Thus, you will minimize the dry eye effect.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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